Refer Customers to Cannabis World

Earn 15% Commissions

Refer Customers to Cannabis World and Start Earning Commission of 15% from the Total Sales Amounts Generated. You can Apply for our affiliate Program by Clicking below or Login if you have already Registered.

How It Works

Become an Affiliate
Fill up our Affiliate Registration form and Become one of our Valuable Partners by Generating Affiliate Links and Get Access to your Affiliate Dashboard. Our Team will Review your account and will activate it so You can Start referring customers and Earn Commissions.
Refer Customers
After Your account becomes Activated, You can Start to Generate and Share affiliate Links through your Channels (Website, Social Media, or Youtube Channel, Shop). You will be Notified through Email about Each Referral Purchase that you have Generated with the Booking and Commission Details.
Earn Commissions
Our Accounting Department will be Paying out the Commissions On the first Tuesday of Each Month (commissions are Paid on a Monthly Basis). You can Receive the Commission through Bank Transfer.

A user might not convert right away, that’s why we provide 30-day tracking cookies to ensure you get credited for the sale.

Start Earning Commissions Now With Cannabis World

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